Lenticular Resources

While designing your artwork for lenticular printing, it certainly helps to keep a few concepts and points in mind to create effective and beautiful looking lenticular effects.

Below, you will find numerous guides on preparing your artwork and files based on the desired size and quantity, and most importantly the type of effect you are aiming to achieve.

By following these simple guidelines, you'll boost the effectiveness and get the best overall outcome of your lenticular project.

A Note to the Reader

We’ve tried to provide you with a comprehensive bank of downloadable resources, but we encourage you to contact us regarding anything you don’t clearly understand, or with any additional questions you have. We believe in helping you, so you can help us.
Our customers are a part of our team, and together we can achieve much better results if we both understand each other’s requirements and production processes. Please give us as much detailed information about how your project will be used and displayed as possible.

Your customer’s interaction with your product is the most important component in planning and executing your project. At Tracer, we understand budget constraints and strive to engineer each project to maximize material costs, yet yield the most impactful animation possible from your artwork.

We encourage you to evaluate Express Solutions to see if this might be a good option for you. This is unique to the industry as a do-it-yourself option to build your own Large Format Lenticular, with no set-up fees whatsoever!

Large Format Express Solutions "How to" Video